
Olivia Lima, Ph.D.


Sioux Falls, SD

Meets Virtually:

Meets In-Person:

Accepting New Clients:

Fee Models
  • Monthly Subscription


Typical Fee (Computed Monthly) *
Ideal Clients
  • FIRE
  • Newlyweds/Couples
  • Divorced Individuals
  • Widows/Widowers
  • Young Professionals
Areas of Specialization
  • Budgeting
  • Debt & Credit
  • Investments
  • Retirement
  • Tax Strategies

Olivia is a financial planner who's on a mission to make high-quality financial advice accessible to everyone. Her background and Ph.D. in psychology helps her engage clients in a way that takes the stress out of personal finance. She believes financial planning can bring clarity, peace of mind, and empowerment along with achieving life goals. Outside of work, Olivia loves to spend time with her family, travel the world, and go on beautiful hikes.

* Disclaimer: The "Typical Fee" displayed is the typical fee provided by the advisor computed monthly to facilitate clearer price comparisons. It does not represent actual pricing or a guaranteed quote. Please consult individual advisors for specific fee structures and personalized quotes. We encourage users to carefully review and evaluate their options before making any decisions.